Changes to My Site!

I wanted to let reads here know that there have been some changes to my site. I still hope to blog, but my URL is changing as well as a couple other things. I will primarily just blog as a personal site, rather than “Biblical Worldview Musings.” though that name on the blog will likely stay the same.

For one, my domain will be going away soon. Please update URLs to be

Second, my Twitter feed for the blog has now been replaced by my personal Twitter handle @ajwreinhardt. If you would like to follow me, I permit only followers to see my tweets so please initiate a follow request if desired and I will approve at my sole discretion.

Third, my Facebook page is gone as well. I do not plan to be publicly sharing anything related to this blog on Facebook at this time.

If you would like to reach me by email please email blog at Thank you for your support! There may be some other changes that arise, but for now this is what I am doing today. Thanks.
