The Local Church and a Full Biblical Agenda In Its Midst

To be sure, the ideal is and should be that we have a local church where there is full Biblical agreement. Thus, it is not the ideal that I have disagreement with. I am forced however to observe that I have never known in my own Christian life and experience a church in which there is such unanamity and fullness and Christian experience as he speaks. Disagreement with my brothers and sisters to some degree has always been part of my church life and my fellowship with Christians in general. I have never known it myself--To have a place where I felt strongly that there was "a full biblical agenda" as I understand that biblical agenda to be. 

Small Update and Follow Me on Social Media!

I have been very busy this summer, in part due to taking a church history class on American Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism from Maranatha Baptist Seminary. That is part of why there has not been much blogging going on of late. I do have a paper I have been writing regarding the relationship of young-earth creationism … Continue reading Small Update and Follow Me on Social Media!