Privacy Policy

Note: This is not a normal privacy policy. I am only an individual, but I want to abide by all laws concerning personal data.

I am A Jacob W. Reinhardt, an individual blogging at Biblical Worldview Musings. Please note that any data or interaction concerning other Social Media platforms is likely covered by that service’s privacy policy, and also note that this website is hosted by and that certain aspects of My website is like many other blogs that use cookies, collect email addresses for the purpose of emailing blog posts to you. I will not use your information except for the knowledge and consideration of who is interacting with my site, including which parts, and for the purposes for which you submitted your email address and any other personal information on my website, namely (1) to follow my blog by email, (2) engage me on my posts, and (3) any other implied purpose in view of this blog as a normal personal blog site. If you have any concerns about your personal data, including the kinds of things covered by GDPR or other similar privacy frameworks, please contact me at jacob at, and I will make every attempt in compliance to all laws to address your concern. If you are a believer, I will not go to law against you over this privacy policy, and suggest it is your Christian duty to do the same. Thank you!