The Relation of Young-Earth Creationism to Fundamentalism — Proclaim & Defend

The final part (published yesterday) of my series on young-earth creationism and modern fundamentalism. We must be careful in associated with ICR and AiG while being thankful for their resources and using those resources for our benefit. Young-Earth Creationism and Modern Fundamentalism: A Historical Study (Part 3) Analyzing fundamentalism and its relationship to the Young-Earth … Continue reading The Relation of Young-Earth Creationism to Fundamentalism — Proclaim & Defend

Fundamentalism and Young-Earth Creationism — Proclaim & Defend

Part 2 of 3 of my blog series on young-earth creationism. This looks at the historical facts concerning fundamentalists, and the story is not entirely all one would expect! Young-Earth Creationism and Modern Fundamentalism: A Historical Study (Part 2) The fundamentalist movement began as early as the 1850s. It has been divided into at least … Continue reading Fundamentalism and Young-Earth Creationism — Proclaim & Defend

A Historical Sketch of Young-Earth Creationism — Proclaim & Defend

This is part 1 of 3 of a blog series I wrote for the Foundations Baptist Fellowship blog on Young-Earth Creationism and Modern Fundamentalism! Young-Earth Creationism and Modern Fundamentalism: A Historical Study (Part 1) The launch of the modern Young Earth Creationist (YEC) movement dates to 1961, with the publication of The Genesis Flood by … Continue reading A Historical Sketch of Young-Earth Creationism — Proclaim & Defend