Book Review: How Does the New Testament Use the Old Testament?: A Survey of the Major Views by Michael J. Vlach

Over the last 3 months or so my wife and I have been doing a challenge to read the whole Bible in 100 days, and we have been reading the New Testament for the last few weeks. As i have been reading, it has proved to present me fresh with the challenges we face in … Continue reading Book Review: How Does the New Testament Use the Old Testament?: A Survey of the Major Views by Michael J. Vlach

Why the Reformation Matters for All True Christians

I believe the Reformation does have value for those of us who aren't Reformed, including those who are believers in dispensationalism, free-grace, fundamentalist, and Baptist. The five "alones" of the Reformation are great expressions of truth, even if they aren't enough and even if later believers have added certain things.

B. B. Warfield on Faith

B. B. Warfield in an article titled "Faith in its Psychological Aspects" offers a presentation of faith that explains how faith must be a true conviction based on evidence. While he proceeds to use the idea in an apologetic for Calvinistic soteriology, his approach remains very helpful and fits well within some other helpful ideas that are generally in the classical apologetic tradition. Doubting believers must pursue the convincing evidence to bring them to faith, not merely "choose to believe."

A Review of Norm Geisler’s Prolegomena

Dr. Norman L. Geisler has been one of the foremost Christian apologists during the last 50 years. He has written books on everything from open theism to ethics to higher criticism and more. Later in his career, he has also authored a four volume systematic theology which was consolidated into a one-volume edition as well. Like traditional systematic theologies, his work … Continue reading A Review of Norm Geisler’s Prolegomena